Créer une FakeCompany avec Powershell

02/06/2019 | 10 minute(s) de lecture

image-left En fessant des tests dans mon lab, j’en ai eu marre de créer des utilisateurs User01 des groupes, etc… J’ai donc décidé de créer un script Powershell permettant de créer une structure semblable a celle d’une entreprise, me permetant de créer automatiquement les OU, utilisateurs, groupes, ordinateurs, a partir d’un fichier CSV.

1 Schéma de la Company


2 Fonctionnement

Les données : les données sont stockées dans un fichier au format CSV appelé new_FakeCompany.csv. Chaque champ est nommé de la manière suivante : field01,field02…

La fonction : la fonction permettant de créer la structure se trouve dans le fichier FakeCompany.ps1. Cette fonction est basée sur un switch qui s’appuie sur le premier champ du fichier CSV.

switch ($Content.('field01')) {
    'OU' {## Start create OU ##; Break }
    'Groups' { ## Start create Groups ##; Break }
    'Users' { ## Start create Users ##; Break }
    'Computers' {## Start create Computers ##; Break }
    Default {Write-Host "The file format is invalid"}

Pour appeler la fonction, il suffit de préciser avec l’argument -CSVFile l’emplacement du fichier CSV.

PS C:\> FakeCompany -CSVFile C:\new_FakeCompany.csv

3 FakeCompany

Function FakeCompany
    This function allows you to create Active Directory OU, Groups, Users, Computers from CSV file.
    This function allows you to create Active Directory OU, Groups, Users, Computers from CSV file.
    Specify the path of a CSV file containing Active Directory OU, Groups, Users, Computers informations.
    PS C:\> FakeCompany -CSVFile C:\new_FakeCompany.csv
    Valentin LEPINE
    Email :
    Twitter : @vlepineadm
    Github :

    [OutputType( [System.Object] )]

    ## Global variables ##

    # Global Groups variables #
    $GroupCategory = "Security"
    $GroupScope = "Global"

    # Global Users variables #
    $LocalDomain = "corp.priv"
    $ExternalDomain = ""
    $Password = 'P@ssW0rd!'

    ## Global Computers variables ##
    $Domain = $LocalDomain
    $OperatingSystem = "Windows 10 Enterprise"
    $OperatingSystemVersion = "10.0 (17763)"

    ## Function ##
    function Remove-StringLatinCharacters
    PARAM ([string]$String)

    function FormattingVar
        [OutputType( [System.Object] )]
            $String = Remove-StringLatinCharacters $String
            $String = $String.replace(' ','')
            $String = $String.ToLower()
            return ,$String

    # Active Directory module import
        Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    Catch [FileNotFoundException]
        Write-Error "The Active Directory module could not be loaded"

    If ((Test-Path $CSVFile) -eq $True)
        $Contents = Import-Csv -Path "$CSVFile"
        Write-Host "Launching the FakeCompanyOU function"

        foreach ($Content in $Contents)
            switch ($Content.('field01')) {
                 ## Start create OU ##
                'OU' {
                    ## Name ###
                    $Name = $($Content.field02)

                    Write-Verbose $Name
                    Write-Verbose $($Content.field03)

                    ## If the OU exist
                    $ADOUExist = $(try {Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter {Name -like $Name} -SearchBase "DC=corp,DC=priv"} catch {$null})
                    If ($ADOUExist)
                        Write-Host "The OU $Name already exists"
                        New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $Name -Path "$($Content.field03)" -PassThru -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false

                        Write-Host "The OU $Name was created"
                ; Break }
                ## End create OU ##

                ## Start create Groups ##
                'Groups' {
                    ## Name ##
                    $Name = $($Content.field02)

                    ## DisplayName ##
                    $DisplayName = $($Content.field02)

                    Write-Verbose $Name ## GRP_DPT_JUR
                    Write-Verbose $DisplayName ## GRP_DPT_JUR
                    Write-Verbose $($Content.field03) ## Département Juridique
                    Write-Verbose $($Content.field04) ## OU=Groups,OU=Paris,OU=Sites,OU=CORP,DC=corp,DC=priv

                    ## If the Group exist
                    $ADGroupExist = $(try {Get-ADGroup $Name} catch {$null})
                    If ($ADGroupExist)
                        Write-Host "The group $Name already exists"
                        New-ADGroup -Name $Name `
                        -DisplayName $DisplayName `
                        -Description $($Content.field03) `
                        -Path $($Content.field04) `
                        -GroupCategory $GroupCategory `
                        -GroupScope $GroupScope

                        Write-Host "The group $Name was created"

                ; Break }
                ## End create Groups ##

                ## Start create Users ##
                'Users' {
                    ## GivenName ##
                    $GivenName = $Content.field02.substring(0,1).toupper()+$Content.field02.substring(1).tolower()

                    ## Surname ##
                    $SurName = $Content.field03.ToUpper()

                    ## SamAccountName ##
                    $GivenNameFormat = FormattingVar $GivenName
                    $SurNameFormat = FormattingVar $SurName
                    $SamAccountName = $GivenNameFormat.ToLower()+"."+$SurNameFormat.ToLower()

                    ## Name ##
                    $Name = $SurName+" "+$GivenName+" ("+$SamAccountName+")"

                    ## Password ##
                    $Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Password -force

                    ## Email ##
                    $Email = $SamAccountName+"@"+$ExternalDomain

                    ## UserPrincipalName ##
                    $UserPrincipalName = $SamAccountName+"@"+$LocalDomain

                    ## DisplayName ##
                    $DisplayName = $Content.field03+" "+$Content.field02

                    ## Initials ##
                    $Initials = $Content.field03.substring(0,1).toupper()+$Content.field02.substring(0,1).toupper()

                    ## department group ##
                    $DepartmentGroup = $Content.field16

                    ## Business group ##
                    $BusinessGroup = $Content.field17

                    Write-Verbose $Name ## DOE Jane
                    Write-Verbose $GivenName ## Jane
                    Write-Verbose $SurName ## DOE
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field04 ## OU=Paris,OU=Sites,OU=CORP,DC=corp,DC=priv
                    Write-Verbose $Password ## System.Security.SecureString
                    Write-Verbose $Email ##
                    Write-Verbose $SamAccountName ## jane.doe
                    Write-Verbose $UserPrincipalName ## DOE Jane
                    Write-Verbose $DisplayName ## DOE Jane
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field05 ## Corporate
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field06 ## Direction
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field07 ## Chief executive officer
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field08 ## 110
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field09 ## +33 1 60 84 00 26
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field10 ## 75008
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field11 ## Paris
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field12 ## 55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field13 ## Corporate User
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field14 ## OU=Users,OU=Paris,OU=Sites,OU=CORP,DC=corp,DC=priv
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field15 ## FR
                    Write-Verbose $DepartmentGroup ## GRP_DPT_DIR
                    Write-Verbose $BusinessGroup ## GRP_MET_DIR

                    $ADUserExist = $(try {Get-ADUser $SamAccountName} catch {$null})
                    If ($ADUserExist)
                        Write-Host "The user $Name already exists"
                        New-ADuser -Name $Name `
                        -GivenName $GivenName `
                        -Surname $SurName `
                        -Path $Content.field04 `
                        -AccountPassword $Password `
                        -EmailAddress $Email `
                        -SamAccountName $SamAccountName `
                        -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName `
                        -DisplayName $DisplayName `
                        -Company $Content.field05 `
                        -Department $Content.field06 `
                        -Title $Content.field07 `
                        -Office $Content.field08 `
                        -OfficePhone $Content.field09 `
                        -PostalCode $Content.field10 `
                        -City $Content.field11 `
                        -StreetAddress $Content.field12 `
                        -Description $Content.field13 `
                        -Country $Content.field15 `
                        -Initials $Initials `
                        -Enabled $true `
                        -CannotChangePassword $true `
                        -PasswordNeverExpires $true

                        If ($Content.field14)
                            Set-ADUser -Identity $SamAccountName `
                            -Manager $Content.field14

                        ## If the Departement Group exist
                        $ADGroupExistDep = $(try {Get-ADGroup $DepartmentGroup} catch {$null})
                        If ($ADGroupExistDep)
                            Add-ADGroupMember $DepartmentGroup -Members $SamAccountName

                        ## If the Business Group exist
                        $ADGroupExistBus = $(try {Get-ADGroup $BusinessGroup} catch {$null})
                        If ($ADGroupExistBus)
                            Add-ADGroupMember $BusinessGroup -Members $SamAccountName

                        Write-Host "The user $Name was created"
                ; Break }
                ## End create Users ##

                ## Start create Computers ##
                'Computers' {
                    ## Name ##
                    $Name = $Content.field02

                    ## SamAccountName ##
                    $SamAccountName = $Content.field02

                    ## DNSHostName ##
                    $DNSHostName = $Name+""+$Domain

                    Write-Verbose $Name ## WD01
                    Write-Verbose $SamAccountName ## WD01
                    Write-Verbose $DNSHostName
                    Write-Verbose $Content.field03 ## OU=Computers,OU=Paris,OU=Sites,OU=CORP,DC=corp,DC=priv
                    Write-Verbose $OperatingSystem ## Windows 10 Enterprise
                    Write-Verbose $OperatingSystemVersion ## 10.0 (17763)

                    ## If the Computer exist
                    $ADComputerExist = $(try {Get-ADComputer $Name} catch {$null})
                    If ($ADComputerExist)
                        Write-Host "The Computer $Name already exists"
                        New-ADComputer -Name $Name `
                        -SamAccountName $SamAccountName  `
                        -DNSHostName $DNSHostName `
                        -Path $Content.field03 `
                        -OperatingSystem $OperatingSystem `
                        -OperatingSystemVersion $OperatingSystemVersion

                        Write-Host "The Computer $Name was created"
                ; Break }
                ## End create Computers ##

                # Start default switch #
                Default {
                     Write-Host "The file format is invalid"
                } # End default switch #
            } # End of switch #
        } # End of foreach #
        Write-Error "Could not find the file $CSVFile"
} ## End to create Fake Company ##

4 Dépôts

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